Spiritual work – Faculty and Hospital Therapy #2 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz of Tashkent Medical Academy Thu, 10 Jun 2021 16:16:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-tma-new-logo-32x32.png Spiritual work – Faculty and Hospital Therapy #2 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz 32 32 2021 йил 4 июнь куни Тошкент тиббиёт академияси 2 -сон факультет ва госпитал терапия кафедраси профессор – укитувчилари Тошкент шахар Олмазор тумани Гани А’замов махалласида тиббий курик утказишди. http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/3267 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/3267#respond Thu, 10 Jun 2021 16:00:18 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/3267 Махаллада амалга оширилган ишлар
    1. Кафедра ходимлари махаллага ташриф буюриб, махалла комитети раиси ва махаллада амалга оширилган ишлар, ташкил қилинган тўгараклар, поликлиника ва мактаб билан танишилди.
    2. Махаллада ахоли китобхонлик маънавиятини юксалтириш бўйича ишлар олиб борилди. Маҳалла комитетида учун китоблар тақдим этилди ва китобхонлик ўтказилди.
    3. “Ғани Аъзамов” маҳалласида 31 май-“Халқаро чекишга қарши кун” га бағишланган 31.05.2021 санада “Хавфсиз тутун”нинг хавфли оқибатлари “ презентацияси тақдим этилди.

4. Маҳаллада 6 та (инглиз тили, рус тили, араб тили, “почемучка”, хунармадчилик: каштачилик) тўгараклар билан танишилди ва Тошкент Тиббиёт Академияси тўгаракларига таклиф қилинди.

5. 04.06.2021 санада тиббий кўрик ташкиллаштирилди. Махалланинг ижтимоий мухтож ахолисининг тиббий кўрикдан ўтказилди ва уларга тиббий маслахатлар берилди.

http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/3267/feed 0
Посещении заведующей кафедры терапевтических дисциплин Южно-Казахстанской медицинской академии (ЮКМА), доцента Асановой Г.К. и ассистентов кафедры Нурановой Н.Т. и Серикбаевой М.Т. кафедры факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 ТМА http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2767 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2767#respond Sat, 26 Oct 2019 07:58:55 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2767 На кафедру факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 Ташкентской Медицинской Академии была приглашена доцент кафедры, ведущий специалист терапевт ЮКМА для проведения цикла лекций студентам ординатуры и магистратуры, проведения мастер-класса врачам по современным методам диагностики и лечения хронической сердечной недостаточности.
17октября 2019 года, четверг. Встреча доцента Асановой Г.К., ассистентов Нурановой Н.Т. и Серикбаевой М.Т. с профессорско-преподавательским составом кафедры и магистрантами на кафедре факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 ТМА. После ознакомления с работой кафедры и сотрудниками было прочитано лекция Асановой Г.К для магистров 1 го курса на тему «Дифференциальная диагностика артериальных гипертоний».

После лекции, в виде дискуссии с магистрантами, были обсуждены наиболее актуальные вопросы по симптоматической артериальной гипертензии, доцент поделилась опытом ведения таких пациентов в клинике ЮКМА, передовыми методами диагностики.
После посещения кафедры была организована прогулка по вечернему Ташкенту.
18 октября 2019 года, пятница. В кафедре факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 ТМА доцентом Асановой Галией Кутымбетовной и ассистентом Нурановой Нурбике Турабековной было прочитано две лекции для магистрантов и клинических ординаторов.
Первая лекция Асановой Г.К. была на тему «Хроническая сердечная недостаточность. Клиника, диагностика». После лекции, в виде дискуссии с профессорами и доцентами, магистрантами и ординаторами, были обсуждены наиболее актуальные вопросы методов современной диагностики при хронической сердечной недостаточности. Доцент поделилась опытом ведения таких пациентов в клинике ЮКМА, передовыми методами лечения и результатами их применения.
Вторая лекция проведённая ассистентом Нурановой Н.Т. на тему «Международные критерии при диагностике хронической сердечной недостаточности» вызвала так же не малый интерес среди слушателей. После лекции были заданы вопросы, как со стороны преподавателей, так и со стороны студентов и магистрантов.
Во второй половине дня, согласно программе, был проведен мастер-класс Асановой Г.К для магистрантов, ординаторов и врачам на тему: «Современная диагностика сердечной недостаточности».
После мастер-класса доценту и ассистентом была проведена экскурсия по городу Ташкент.
19 октября 2019 года, суббота. На кафедре факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 ТМА ассистентом Серикбаевой М.Т было прочитано лекция для магистрантов и клинических ординаторов.
Лекция была на тему «Европейские стандарты лечение хронической сердечной недостаточности». После лекции, в виде дискуссии с профессорами, доцентами, магистрантами и ординаторами, были обсуждены наиболее актуальные вопросы косаемые новых стандартов лечения хронической сердечной недостаточности.
После лекций был проведен круглый стол с участием профессорско-преподавательским составом кафедры и магистрантов с целью обсуждения планов совместной работы для публикаций научных статей и выпуску методических пособий.
20 октября 2019 года, воскресение. В воскресение была организована ознакомление с достопримечательностями города Ташкента.
21 октября 2019 года, понедельник. С профессорско-преподавательским составом кафедры и с доцентом Асановой Г.К., ассистентами Нурановой Н.Т. и Серикбаевой М.Т. были обсуждены планы совместной работы по публикации научных статей и выпуску методических пособий.
После обсуждения был проведен круглый стол с профессорско-преподовательским составом, магистрантами ТМА и доцентом Асановой Г.К., а также ассистентами Нурановой Н.Т. и Серикбаевой М.Т. на тему «Международные стандарты, применяемые при лечении терапевтических заболеваний»
В ходе круглого стола доцентом были представлены современные подходы и возможности диагностики и лечения наиболее распространенных заболеванией и проблем в терапии.
Во второй половине дня, согласно программе, была прочитана лекция Нурановой Н.Т. для магистрантов на тему: «Хроническая сердечная недостаточность у больных сахарным диабетом II типа».
22 октября 2019 года, вторник. В лекционном зале доцентом Асановой Галией Кутымбетовной был проведен мастер-класс для магистрантов, клинических ординаторов на тему «Европейские рекомендации при лечении хронической сердечной недостаточности». После мастер-класса, в виде дискуссии с профессорами, доцентами, магистрантами и ординаторами, были обсуждены наиболее актуальные Европейские рекомендации при лечении хронической сердечной недостаточности. Доцент поделилась опытом ведения таких пациентов в клинике ЮКМА.
После мастер-класса для представителей ЮКМА была организованна встреча с магистрантами и клиническеми ординаторами терапевтических направлений ТМА и ознакомление с диссертационными работами магистрантов.
Во второй половине дня, был проведен мастер-класс Нурановой Н.Т по теме «Особенности состояния функции почек при хронической сердечной недостаточности».
23 октября 2019 года, среда.
В кафедре факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 ТМА доцентом Асановой Г.К была прочитана лекция для магистрантов и клинических ординаторов на тему: «Оценка состояния функции почек при хронической сердечной недостаточности».
После лекции были подведены итоги преподавательской деятельности представителей ЮКМА на кафедре факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 ТМА.
Итоги посещения:
1. Было получено согласие на проведение совместной методической работы с кафедрой терапевтических дисциплин Южно-Казахстанской медицинской академии (ЮКМА). Договорились о подготовке совместных учебно-методических разработок.
2. Было обговорено о научном сотрудничестве и выполнение совместных научных работ по диссертациям в виде рецензирования, выступления аппонентом и т.д.

Заведующей кафедры
факультетской и госпитальной
терапии №2, к.м.н. доцент Жаббаров А.А.

Ответственный по международным
отношениям кафедры
факультетской и госпитальной
терапии №2, ассистент Мадазимова Д.Х.



http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2767/feed 0
About the visit of the founders and directors of the clinic “Rhythm Heart Institute” (India) A. Ahuja and N. Bhalani in the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy № 2 TMA http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2428 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2428#respond Wed, 10 Apr 2019 08:46:50 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/?p=2428 About the visit of the founders and directors of the clinic “Rhythm Heart Institute” (India) A. Ahuja and N. Bhalani in the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy № 2 TMA, March 29, 2019.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3775 of June 5, 2018 “On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions and ensure their active participation in large-scale reforms carried out in the country”, a group was invited to the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy №2 of the Tashkent Medical Academy the founders and directors of the clinic “Rhythm Heart Institute” (India) A.Ahuja and N. Bhalani for conducting a series of lectures to students of undergraduate, residency and magistracy , conducting a master class for doctors on modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension.
March 29, 2019, Friday. 08: 15-09: 55. The meeting of A.Akhuja and N. Bkhalani with the faculty of the department and undergraduates at the department of faculty and hospital therapy №2. After getting acquainted with the work of the department and staff, there was an exchange of experience in the field of organization of educational and scientific processes in the field of cardiology.

10: 00-12: 30. In the lecture hall of the Republican Clinical Hospital No. 1 A.Ahuja, a lecture was given to 4th year students of the medical and pedagogical faculty, undergraduates and clinical residents, as well as the teaching staff of the department of faculty and hospital therapy No. 2 TMA.
The lecture was devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension in the light of the latest European recommendations of 2018. The lecture was held at a high interactive level and aroused great interest on the part of the audience. After the lecture, in the form of a discussion with the staff of the department, undergraduates and students, the most topical issues of uncontrolled hypertension were also discussed, the doctor shared his experience and advanced methods, the results of managing such patients in the clinic of the Rhythm Heart Institute

14: 00-16: 00. In the afternoon, according to the program, as a continuation of the first lecture, discussion and analysis of unique cases of treatment of diseases from clinical practice was held. Doctors presented clinical cases of their own observations and the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, about which there was a discussion, during which students also exchanged their impressions and suggestions.

16: 15-17: 15. During the round table, issues related to the topic “International standards for the organization of training and advanced training of specialists in the field of cardiology” were discussed. In addition, the founders and heads of the clinic of the Institute of Heart Rhythm (India) A. Ahuja and N. Bkhalani offered to continue cooperation in the form of internships for masters, clinical residents and teachers of the department in their clinic, conducting master classes, and organizing clinical examinations of patients on the basis of the RCH 1 during subsequent visits
After the seminar, a tour of the city of Tashkent was held.

March 30, 2019, Saturday. Departure of Dr. A. Ahuja and N. Bhalani on flight HY421 to Delhi.
Results of the visit:
1. Consent was obtained to conduct joint methodical work with the clinic of the Heart Rhythm Institute. An agreement was reached on writing joint educational and methodological developments and scientific publications.
2. It was discussed about scientific cooperation and the implementation of joint research papers on dissertations in the form of peer review, performances by opponents, etc.
3. Dr. A. Ahuja and Head of department Docent Jabbarov A.A. agreed on the next visit to the department and a lecture about Heart Failure in May 2019.

Head of the Department Faculty
and hospital therapy №2. PhD, Docent Jabbarov AA

http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2428/feed 0
Teachers of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy #2 of the Tashkent Medical Academy visited the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy in the city of Chimkent. http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2274 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2274#respond Tue, 19 Feb 2019 10:32:30 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/?p=2274 Employees of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy №2: Head of the Department Zhabbarov O. and senior teachers of this department Kodirova S., Maksudova M., assistant Sultanov N. visited 12-14 February 2019 of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The delegation was accepted by the Rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Professor M. M. Rysbekov. Representatives of the Tashkent Medical Academy were interested in setting the educational process at the pre- and postgraduate level, distance education opportunities. They met with the head of the Academy Academic Center Ibragimova AG, the dean of the faculty of continuous professional development KA Kabulov, visited the Center of Practical Skills – Educational Clinical and Simulation Department (ACSA Academy. This department is a structural unit that provides safe, a robust educational environment for teaching clinical skills, providing students with the opportunity to develop, maintain and improve clinical competence and build the ability to tsya lifelong learning to meet the qualification requirements of the specialist.


UCSS has educational (clinical) classes in the following areas: General medical practice, therapy, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, nursing and dentistry. “LapSim”, as well as other models and simulators, allowing to fully simulate the clinical situation, as close as possible to the real one, to work out the algorithm of actions to automatism. Employees of the department passed through each class and they really liked the “Pirogov Anatomic Desk”. Also, the staff of the department of faculty and hospital therapy №2 were at the department of “Therapeutic disciplines”, got acquainted with the educational, educational, methodical, scientific directions of the department, basic training courses: : bachelors in the field of “public health”, “nursing” interns – physicians, interns, surgeons, interns, obstetricians, gynecologists, resident cardiologists, resident neuropathologists , residents – pediatricians, undergraduates in the specialty “Medicine” scientific pedagogical and specialized direction, students of the faculty of advanced training of doctors in individual cycles. At the department of therapeutic disciplines (head of department. Asanova GK) staff of the department of faculty and hospital therapy №2 Tashkent Medical Academy held a master class on the topic “Articular Syndrome”.


Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy #2
of the Tashkent Medical Academy

http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2274/feed 0
At the IV Congress of the Association of Doctors of the Association of Emergency Medical Assistants of Uzbekistan http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2088 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2088#respond Fri, 25 Jan 2019 12:44:57 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/?p=2088 At the Fourth Session, Assocsiatsii vrachey Assotsiatsii neotlozhnoy meditsinskoy pomoshchi Uzbekistana Mirmaksudov Mirakhmad, master cardiologii, prinyal uchastie v kruglom stole, “Optimalnyy method of lexia OKS bez lecheniya”, kotoryy posvyashchen segmentam ST v zavisimosti ot faktorov riska “.

http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2088/feed 0
Theme Lectures – Infectious Myocarditis: novice definitsii http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2007 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2007#respond Tue, 15 Jan 2019 11:39:37 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/?p=2007 Theme Lectures – Infectious Myocarditis: novice definitsii

At the IV Congress of the Association of Emergency Physicians of Uzbekistan, Master student of Cardiology Mirmaksudov Mirakhmad participated in the round table on “Optimalnyy methodology lecheniya patsientov s OKS bez pod’ema segmenta ST v zavisimosti ot faktorov riska”

http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/2007/feed 0
Master’s Celebrations! http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/1086 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/1086#respond Thu, 07 Jun 2018 06:05:56 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/1086 June 7, 2018 the next graduation of the masters of our department took place in the specialty “Cardiology” and “Therapy”. Treasured master’s diplomas, to which the undergraduates had been persistently for three years, were presented in an exciting, solemn atmosphere in the presence of the rector, teachers, friends and relatives.

We wish the Masters luck, professional success, health and personal happiness!

http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/1086/feed 0
Visit the State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan! http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/992 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/992#respond Tue, 05 Jun 2018 09:27:13 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz?p=992 At the next event on spirituality and enlightenment, the staff of faculty 2 and the hospital therapy faculty of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy and students of the magistracy visited the State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan.

The current building of the Museum of Art was built in 1974. Architectors (I. Abdullov, M. Rozenblyum, A. Nikiforov) designed him in the “modern” style – glass cube.

Over time, the need for repairs and partial reconstruction of the building has been exacerbated. This work was funded by our government and in 1997 the renovation works were completed and these works were completed successfully. Along with renovations, the collection rooms and the necessary equipment for exposition have been purchased, and all the conditions have been created to improve and preserve the unique storage conditions.

The State Art Museum of Uzbekistan is one of the most prestigious venues in the country. Each year, the museum has about 200,000 art lovers. Nowadays, the museum is included in the list of the best museums in the world. It contributes to popularization of the culture and art of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as popularization of pearls of our country and world culture.

http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/992/feed 0
Trafficking in human beings is one of the most terrible crimes of human life! http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/942 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/942#respond Fri, 01 Jun 2018 07:45:55 +0000 http://therapy.medped.tma.uz/archives/942 Trafficking in human beings is one of the most terrible crimes of human life, freedom and rights, the enslavement of other people, the destruction of human life, the destruction of their fate and destiny.

According to the facts, about 700,000 people enter the United States each year. More than 4 million people became victims of road accidents around the world. Their income is 9 billion dollars. Millions of people become victims of this crime every year. More than 90% of them are women and children. 65% of victims of trafficking in human beings are women.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan to this Declaration was added to the Decree of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 30 September 1991 No. 366-XII, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, added by Decree of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 6, 1995, No. 87- I. Entered into force on August 18.

The UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which entered into force on January 8, 2004 for the Republic of Uzbekistan, ratified by the Decree of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 30, 2003 No. 536-II
Decree of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 31.08.1995 N 127-I was ratified. The Department of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General’s Office of Tashkent detained a woman who was trying to sell her 7-day-old child for $ 4,000. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the capital.

A woman in the capital received a message from the Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent that a woman is looking for a client to sell her girl this year on May 5. Based on this information, the Tashkent City Department of Criminal Investigation of the Department for Economic Security and Combating the Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan, tax, currency crimes and legalization of criminal proceeds to fight the plan was developed in cooperation with the Department for Operational Activities. 23-year-old G.Ya. was arrested.

In accordance with article 135 (Trafficking in persons) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a criminal case has been opened. The mother was deprived of parental rights, and the child was placed in a shelter. And $ 10,000, with the participation of witnesses, as evidence.

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