2-son fakultet va gospital terapiya, nefrologiya va gemodializ kafedrasining “Innoweek” doirasidagi ilmiy loyihasi mavzusi “Yurak ishemik kasalligida aspiringa rezistentlik xavfini aniqlash uchun dastur”. Avtorlar: prof. Alyavi A.L., prof. Jabbarov O.O., PhD Xodjanova Sh.I. Taklif etilgan innovatsion matematik hisoblashlarga asoslangan dastur yordamida uzoq muddat aspirin qabul qiluvchi yurak ishemik kasalligi mavjud bemorlarda vujudga keluvchi aspiringa rezistentlik…
About the visit of the founders and directors of the clinic “Rhythm Heart Institute” (India) A. Ahuja and N. Bhalani in the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy № 2 TMA
About the visit of the founders and directors of the clinic “Rhythm Heart Institute” (India) A. Ahuja and N. Bhalani in the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy № 2 TMA, March 29, 2019. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3775 of June 5, 2018 “On additional measures…