Махаллада амалга оширилган ишлар 1. Кафедра ходимлари махаллага ташриф буюриб, махалла комитети раиси ва махаллада амалга оширилган ишлар, ташкил қилинган тўгараклар, поликлиника ва мактаб билан танишилди. 2. Махаллада ахоли китобхонлик маънавиятини юксалтириш бўйича ишлар олиб борилди. Маҳалла комитетида учун китоблар тақдим этилди ва китобхонлик ўтказилди. 3. “Ғани Аъзамов” маҳалласида 31 май-“Халқаро чекишга қарши кун” га…
Посещении заведующей кафедры терапевтических дисциплин Южно-Казахстанской медицинской академии (ЮКМА), доцента Асановой Г.К. и ассистентов кафедры Нурановой Н.Т. и Серикбаевой М.Т. кафедры факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 ТМА
На кафедру факультетской и госпитальной терапии №2 Ташкентской Медицинской Академии была приглашена доцент кафедры, ведущий специалист терапевт ЮКМА для проведения цикла лекций студентам ординатуры и магистратуры, проведения мастер-класса врачам по современным методам диагностики и лечения хронической сердечной недостаточности. 17октября 2019 года, четверг. Встреча доцента Асановой Г.К., ассистентов Нурановой Н.Т. и Серикбаевой М.Т. с профессорско-преподавательским составом…
About the visit of the founders and directors of the clinic “Rhythm Heart Institute” (India) A. Ahuja and N. Bhalani in the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy № 2 TMA
About the visit of the founders and directors of the clinic “Rhythm Heart Institute” (India) A. Ahuja and N. Bhalani in the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy № 2 TMA, March 29, 2019. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3775 of June 5, 2018 “On additional measures…
Teachers of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy #2 of the Tashkent Medical Academy visited the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy in the city of Chimkent.
Employees of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Therapy №2: Head of the Department Zhabbarov O. and senior teachers of this department Kodirova S., Maksudova M., assistant Sultanov N. visited 12-14 February 2019 of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The delegation was accepted by the Rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Professor M. M.…
At the IV Congress of the Association of Doctors of the Association of Emergency Medical Assistants of Uzbekistan
At the Fourth Session, Assocsiatsii vrachey Assotsiatsii neotlozhnoy meditsinskoy pomoshchi Uzbekistana Mirmaksudov Mirakhmad, master cardiologii, prinyal uchastie v kruglom stole, “Optimalnyy method of lexia OKS bez lecheniya”, kotoryy posvyashchen segmentam ST v zavisimosti ot faktorov riska “.
Theme Lectures – Infectious Myocarditis: novice definitsii
Theme Lectures – Infectious Myocarditis: novice definitsii At the IV Congress of the Association of Emergency Physicians of Uzbekistan, Master student of Cardiology Mirmaksudov Mirakhmad participated in the round table on “Optimalnyy methodology lecheniya patsientov s OKS bez pod’ema segmenta ST v zavisimosti ot faktorov riska”
Master’s Celebrations!
June 7, 2018 the next graduation of the masters of our department took place in the specialty “Cardiology” and “Therapy”. Treasured master’s diplomas, to which the undergraduates had been persistently for three years, were presented in an exciting, solemn atmosphere in the presence of the rector, teachers, friends and relatives. We wish the Masters luck,…
Visit the State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan!
At the next event on spirituality and enlightenment, the staff of faculty 2 and the hospital therapy faculty of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy and students of the magistracy visited the State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan. The current building of the Museum of Art was built in 1974. Architectors (I. Abdullov, M. Rozenblyum, A.…
Trafficking in human beings is one of the most terrible crimes of human life!
Trafficking in human beings is one of the most terrible crimes of human life, freedom and rights, the enslavement of other people, the destruction of human life, the destruction of their fate and destiny. According to the facts, about 700,000 people enter the United States each year. More than 4 million people became victims of…